Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Lost in the wilderness

I really have missed my blog, blogging. Alas, I have been lost in the wilderness. I struggled with completing the Melbourne half marathon (almost a month ago now) and then not knowing what to do next. All that training and planning and now...nothing to do.

My first thought was to plan to do a marathon. I planned and plotted what marathon I might do, what training program etc etc. A marathon would be the next step, kind of a no brainer, right? WRONG...

The nagging achilles tendonitis has not been addressed. I will just push through the pain right? WRONG says a friend who also happens to be a PT. She said she thought I would struggle to make the Gold Coast Marathon late June with the injury issue. My physio seems to think the same. What do I do now???????

So I spent lots of nights ignoring my blog, ignoring my 12wbt and doing my research on achilles tendonitis, marathon training and the like. I discovered that achilles tendonitis could be with me for a while in varying degrees. Stopping running was probably NOT going to make it better (yay!). I need to manage the injury through all the things my physio had told me and not increasing my running too much. OK, so I will manage it.

I then started looking into local (Launceston) and sort of local (Hobart, Melbourne) upcoming 10km and half marathons. My thought was to ditch the marathon dream for now and concentrate on bettering my half and 10km times. I asked my sisters (who ran the Melb half with me) if they would be keen to do the Cadbury Half marathon with me on the 8 January 2012 (just over 8 weeks away). They said yes!!!!! AWESOME.

So, all of a sudden, my running has purpose again. I am no longer lost in the wilderness! I have a lot of work to do as my longest run in the last month has been 12km and I have only done that twice in a struggle. I have also planned quite a few events over the next few months to keep the interest alive!

I almost forgot to say, I got a Garmin for my birthday! I used it for the first time yesterday and its my new best friend. It tracks everything, distance, HR, route, calories, splits...I can save the data, compare...I LOVE it. It is my secret motivational weapon.

So, I am armed (Garmin) and dangerous (not really) and back into it baby. I have a plan Stan and I can't think of any more cool (or not) sayings so I am outta here!

Cheers big ears, Mons XX

P.S. I have had to rename the blog and make a few little changes.