Friday, 20 January 2012

Great start to the year!

It has been!
Exercise has been great and my eating has been really good too! I have lost 1.2kg since my last blog entry (a week and a bit I think) I have given up eating bread past breakfast time and cut way down on the sugar. I have been alcohol, pasta and biscuit free for two weeks - yay! My portion sizes, particularly for dinner have still been too big so that will be a focus for me now.

My weekly schedule looks like this:
Monday - swim
Tuesday - weights/gym
Wednesday - am 6km run / pm tennis
Thursday - 6am bootcamp
Friday - 6am running group
Saturday - rest or core (depending on how I feel)
Sunday - long run (12km or so)

I have set my training log until the end October 2012 which includes all the races I intend to do.
I can't wait to see those scales showing a six as the first number. I think it has been more than 10 years since I have seen that. non-running days in between eash running session, stretching and reduced mileage is also a focus to get rid of this pesky achilles tendonitis once and for all.

Off to Queensland next week and I plan to continue the good work. Although there may be a glass of wine or two thrown in there as an indulgence. When I get back I will look to some serious goals for 2012. Motivation is high! Bring it on...

Cheers, Mons X

Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat. – Jill Johnson

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Happy new year!

It has been! I started off the year with the Cadbury Half marathon on the 8 January (quite under prepared, but I did it!) and my eating has been pretty good most days with the exception of New Years day!

I have renewed confidence and motivation in my ability to shake these 10kgs and improve my running and strength. I have revised my blog and taken out the "marathon" word for now. A marathon is not likely for me in 2012 due to niggling injuries. 2013 is much more realistic. So I have shelved it to concentrate on weight loss, core strength and nutrition for the first half of 2012. I will then lay some plans for the following 12 months.

My running will continue, I love it. Long run distances under 15km and short runs of 5-8km are much more suitable for me at this stage. I have realised that my body works best when I run every other day.

Cross training is an exciting addition for my routine. Swimming, tennis and strength work will be the focus on my non-running days. Lots of incidental exercise too...Santa still owes me a bike for Christmas!

Exciting times...2012 is going to be my year!

Awesome, Mon XX