So I have put on a bit of weight...hmmm. No surprise really. I have been all over the place for the last week and a half. I have used the half marathon as an excuse to eat too much. I was in Melbourne with my sisters (lots of wine and food), my best friend's 40th dinner (more wine & food). The old excuse of carb loading for the race as well. I have not exercised for the last few days either or planned anything. Not a great combination for weight loss. The though crossed my mind to "fudge" me weight figures, what would the point of that been? Stupid!
I must say that all that wine and food did not make me feel good at all. Not only in a guilty kind of way, but the physical way. My skin felt it too.
ANYWAY...tomorrow* is a new day. I am going for a 6km run tomorrow. I have joined an 8 week fitness program at the gym that starts Friday morning at 6am. My plan is as follows:
Monday: 6am swim (I bought new goggles that don't fog!)
Tuesday: 5:45am run 6-8km
Wednesday: 6am gym fitness program
Thursday: 5:45am run 6-8km
Friday: 6am gym fitness program
Saturday: Core
Sunday: Long run 10-12km (SSS)

This is pretty much the plan until Christmas while I follow the 12wbt, gym program and sort out my achilles tendonitis and drop to my ideal weight of 60kg.
In the second week of January I start a 18 week marathon training plan organised in preparation for the Great Ocean Road Marathon in mid May and then the Gold Coast marathon at the end of June 2012. I need to be up around the 40km per week mark to start this program.
Here we go (again) !!! Mons X
*I would normally say "today", but today has been a mini disaster food wise so tomorrow is the real day! The rest of today IS going to be good though. I am NOT going to blow it off completely.
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