Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Plans change...OK

Haven't had a computer for a couple of days, but I'm back now!

My weekly plan has changed now that I have discovered I CAN run, but not too far. Walked for 2km today and RAN for 2km. It felt sooo good. I did it to see if there would be any further knee, top of foot or achilles issues. So far, so good. We will see in the morning. If, at 5:30am tomorrow, I am feeling good I am going to run 5km followed by some serious stretching. My plan now looks like:

Wednesday - 5km run & lots of stretching (maybe a 5km walk instead)
Thursday - core & toning
Friday - spin or 5km run (depending on how I feel)
Saturday - toning (probably a pump class)
Sunday - 10km long(ish) run
Monday - swim

Eating wise, I have been pretty good. Still picking here and there darn it! Nothing major. Hopefully on track for some sort of loss in tomorrows weigh in. Half kilo to a kilo would be great, we will see.

Cheers, Mons X

1 comment:

  1. Yay for being able to run!!! I hope you pulled up okay this morning!
